Photo 30-05-2024, 5 49 32 pm.jpg

Little Tin Houses

As far as creative endeavours go, I’ve had a few. I’ve dabbled in so many crafts, and given up on them that’s its borderline embarrassing. Photography however, has been around since day one. I remember being little and using the family camera to create a collection of ‘Amy’s Arty Photos’, even photographing a title image for the first shot, so it was the first in the wallet of prints. Any type of camera I could get my hands on, I used it.

As an adult, I leaned towards fashion and lifestyle photography, using a top of the range (at the time) digital Canon camera. I shot portraits, models, and self-portraits for my fashion blog, as well as interior shots of my house, coffee shops, and other interesting new businesses I stumbled upon. After a while, my life took a different direction and I started to reassess, and realised I wanted to slow my pace down. I hated editing hundreds of digital images, shooting endless frames of the same scene to make sure I got ‘the shot’. That’s when I decided to try using an analog camera.

The joy of shooting on film lit something inside of me and I’ve been doing it ever since. I’ve used 35mm, medium format, had a brief fling with large format and owned a variety of different cameras. I’ve bonded with the Mamiya RZ67, and although it’s a cumbersome beast, I think it’ll be with me until either I, or it, dies. I’m a bit more wishy washy with 35mm cameras, and like to switch it up now and then as I take those photos a little less seriously.

These days, my photography mainly focuses on my wanders around Scotland, documenting the landscape and the way of living in the highlands. I named this project after my favourite thing to shoot… little tin houses. I write short posts to go along with every roll of film I shoot, which you can find in the film journal, and I still like to document my life and home here and there. Like the saying goes, photograph what you love.